Excel Automation
Many companies rely on information stored in bloated legacy spreadsheets, written by someone who is long gone and full of minor inconsistencies and errors. Over time, these issues begin to add up, outweighing the accessibility of Microsoft Excel.
Biton frequently works with our customers to map out the underlying logic of their spreadsheets and automate them; combining data stored in Biton PMS with Excel formulae and charts to create the output you want without the problems you don't need.
The Click of a Button
Enter the latest data into your spreadsheet at the click of a button. Hours of typing, copy-pasting and dragging formulae, now free for more valuable work.
Do Anything You Can Do in Excel
Charts; complex tables and formulae; pivot tables; conditional formatting; export to PDF - plus complex programmatic behaviour defined in macros.
Evaluate your Existing Practices
We'll go through your existing spreadsheet with a fine-tooth comb, finding subtle errors and inconsistencies that have gone unnoticed for years. Often, the numbers calculated in a bloated legacy spreadsheet are not quite what you think they are.
Realise your New Ideas
Spreadsheets that might have been too complicated or laborious to create manually can be much easier to implement using Biton data and macros. Tell us your boldest ideas for spreadsheet output, and we will worry about how it works behind the scenes.